Photo Credit: Beckman Institute, 2010.
Audiometric booth
The audiometric booth can be scheduled for recording sessions and perceptual experiments. Please contact a Lab Assistant to find out how to schedule a time.
The Phonetics and Phonology Lab Wiki is a virtual encyclopedia of everything that goes on in the lab and how we do it. It may be accessed and edited by registered, active members of the Illinois Phonetics and Phonology community.
If you don't currently have a username and password and would like to access this resource, please contact Ryan Shosted
Once you are registered, you are strongly encouraged not only to read the wiki, but to edit existing pages and add your contribution in order to make the lab a more user-friendly and productive environment.
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is a leader in biomedical imaging, including real-time imaging of the human vocal tract. The image at right is a vector-graphic version of a single frame taken from a magnetic resonance "movie". The images were acquired at the Beckman Institute through the joint activities of Prof. Brad Sutton, Prof. Ryan Shosted, and their research groups.