Photo Credit: Ryan Shosted, 2009.
Lab Hours
The Lab is open for walk-in guests. However, due to limitations on recording equipment, we suggest that you contact the lab assistants prior to visiting if you need to use lab equipment.
- E-mail: illinois.phonlab.assistants at
- Lab Assistants' Hours
- Monday & Wednesday: 9:30am - 11:30am
- Friday: 10:00am - 11:30am, 12:00pm - 1:30pm
- And by appointment
We hope you will find the lab to be a welcoming and user-friendly environment. To ensure that all interested parties are able to use the lab to its fullest potential, we have formulated the policies on this page. Please feel free to make suggestions about how the lab could better serve your needs.
Special Instructions during COVID-19 Pandemic
The Phonetics and Phonology Lab (G90, LCLB) will be open. However, due to the ongoing pandemic, we are following the campus guidelines to return to work. Therefore, there will be some changes in how the lab operates. The most significant changes are as follows:
- All recording sessions using lab-owned microphones must be scheduled using the following e-mail:
- To help determine resource availability before scheduling, please click here to see the lab calendar.
- The Researcher should indicate in the email whether they need a microphone owned by the lab or whether they will bring their own. Preferably, recordings should generally be done when the Lab Assistant is stationed in the lab (lab hours this semester: see table). Recording sessions outside of these hours may take place if the Researcher has their own microphone and access to the lab. Any such sessions should be reported to the Lab Assistant immediately. Since the lab assistants are not on duty at these times, researchers assume full responsibility for cleaning high-touch surfaces in G90 before and after they leave.
- The Lab Assistant will verify that a microphone is available for researchers who have followed the proper protocol in scheduling through e-mail or who show up during the lab hours. In the event that a microphone will not be available, the Lab Assistant will do all possible to contact the Researcher with advance notice. Recordings cannot take place unless a properly quarantined microphone is available at the time of the recording session.
In-Lab Procedures
- Because recording in the Phonetics and Phonology Lab is an on-campus activity, researchers and participants must have proper building access. Researchers must ensure that they and their participants have building access according to the latest University regulations on building access.
- There are twelve microphones available in the lab this semester, which means the lab can support at most 12 participants per week with its own resources. Each microphone will be labeled with one of twelve letters (A through L). After each usage by the Participant, the Researcher must clean the head/ear piece, microphone armature, and cord with a disinfecting wipe. The windshield will remain on the microphone but the microphone should be placed in a disposable plastic bag, tied with a twist tie or otherwise sealed. The Lab Assistant will then put the bagged microphone in a small room adjacent to the lab for a five-day quarantine. If the Researcher uses their own microphone for the recording, they must make sure that their microphone has undergone the same cleaning and quarantining procedures as the lab-owned microphones.
- A log of microphone usage will be kept in the lab (G90). The Researcher must provide the microphone identifier (A-L), the date on which the microphone was used, their name, and indicate on the log that procedures have been followed to quarantine the microphone.
- Face covering and social distancing are required at all times, except on the part of the Participant during recording. The Researcher should wear a mask and gloves during the Participants’ entire visit. The Participant should wear a mask except when they are doing the recording in the booth by themselves. The Researcher and Participant should also observe social distancing at all times. The only exception is when the Participant cannot properly place the microphone on their own head. In such cases, the Researcher will assist the Participant in doing so. The Researcher will wear a face shield, disposable smock, and gloves when placing the microphone on the head of the Participant. Social distancing cannot be observed during this interaction so every other precaution must be taken. In such cases, the Participant must leave their mask on until the Researcher has stepped away.
- During the recording session, the Researcher may not stay in the audiometric booth with the Participant. Any electronic materials must be cued up on the computer in advance of the Participant’s arrival. Any instructions for the Participant must be delivered by the Researcher outside of the audiometric booth or with the Researcher outside of the audiometric booth and speaking towards, but not inside, the open door of the audiometric booth.
The audiometric booth is our highest-use facility.
Due to increased sound booth usage we ask that you comply with the following rules:
- Please schedule blocks of no more than two hours at a time in the sound booth.
- During the last five weeks of the semester please try to limit yourself to three hours per day.
Other resources
Certain items of equipment are available for check-out. Please see a Lab Assistant for more details.
As you use the lab, we ask you to please be mindful of the following guidelines:
Make sure that your sound files are not archived for any considerable length of time on the lab computers or recording devices. These files will be deleted periodically in order to optimize the performance of the machines. You should make arrangements for archiving your data before you begin a project.
Send suggestions for helpful software to a Lab Assistant but do not download applications onto the computers without approval.
Help us maintain a quiet environment in the lab whenever recording is in progress, to assure the best performance of the facilities.
Take lab security seriously and report any irregularities promptly.