Faculty Promotion
Specialized Faculty Promotion
- Departmental Policy: Ling-Languages Specialized Faculty Policy
- LAS Policy: Policy for Appointment or Promotion for Specialized Faculty (from Policy Manual for the College of LAS)
- Campus Policy: Communication #25: Employment Guidelines for Specialized Faculty Holding Non-Tenure System Positions
Tenure-Track Faculty Promotion
- Communication #9: Promotion and Tenure
Faculty Funding Opportunities
Note: Travel (conferences, invited talks, etc.) during the academic year needs pre-approval even if you’re not seeking funding. Specialized faculty should gain approval from their direct supervisor and arrange teaching coverage first, then see SLCL's Frequently used forms page to fill out the "Travel Pre-approval Form". The Linguistics Office Manager can help you with CFOP numbers.
- Scholars Travel Fund: If you are presenting at a conference, you are first encouraged to apply for funding from the Scholars Travel Fund. The Scholars' Travel Fund (STF) is a Campus Research Board program designed to support the presentation of faculty members’ original scholarly research and creative work at academic gatherings (e.g., national disciplinary meetings and specialized conferences).
- Specialized Faculty Scholars Travel Fund Program Pilot (SF-STF) (in effect February 2021 through January of 2022): The Office of the Provost and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation (OVCRI) are partnering to pilot an expansion of the Scholars’ Travel Fund (STF) to support specialized faculty. The fund will offer specialized faculty up to $200 support for one virtual conference convening per year to present original scholarly research and/or creative work. See the Scholars Travel Fund website for details. (Note: **Lecturers and Senior Lecturers already eligible under the existing STF program remain eligible under those guidelines. Nothing has changed for this group.)
- Specialized Faculty Scholars Travel Fund Program Pilot (SF-STF) (in effect February 2021 through January of 2022): The Office of the Provost and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation (OVCRI) are partnering to pilot an expansion of the Scholars’ Travel Fund (STF) to support specialized faculty. The fund will offer specialized faculty up to $200 support for one virtual conference convening per year to present original scholarly research and/or creative work. See the Scholars Travel Fund website for details. (Note: **Lecturers and Senior Lecturers already eligible under the existing STF program remain eligible under those guidelines. Nothing has changed for this group.)
- Non-travel or additional travel funding: After receiving the Scholars Travel Fund or if you are not presenting (just attending) an event, you should contact the Linguistics Department Head, James Yoon (jyoon@illinois.edu) to request approval for departmental funding in advance. All funding is processed through reimbursement. If you have any questions about what can be reimbursed, contact the SLCL Business Office (slcl-businessoffice@illinois.edu).
- Departmental funding for Lecturers: Based on the 2019-2024 Non-Tenure Track Faculty Coalition Agreement with Campus, Lecturers “who hold a nine (9) month or greater, full time, non-visiting appointment shall, upon request, receive up to $500 per academic year for allowable expenses related only to research and/or teaching-related professional development, to be reimbursed in accordance with University policy and guidelines... Any unused funds shall not carry forward to the subsequent academic year... These funds may be used for expenses including but not limited to presenting at a conference, attending a conference, purchasing and maintaining technology, research and/or teaching-related materials, and traveling for the purpose of research” (pp. 8-9).
- Departmental funding for Lecturers: Based on the 2019-2024 Non-Tenure Track Faculty Coalition Agreement with Campus, Lecturers “who hold a nine (9) month or greater, full time, non-visiting appointment shall, upon request, receive up to $500 per academic year for allowable expenses related only to research and/or teaching-related professional development, to be reimbursed in accordance with University policy and guidelines... Any unused funds shall not carry forward to the subsequent academic year... These funds may be used for expenses including but not limited to presenting at a conference, attending a conference, purchasing and maintaining technology, research and/or teaching-related materials, and traveling for the purpose of research” (pp. 8-9).
- Reimbursement: SLCL Business Office Forms & Information
Additional Resources