Photo credit: Ryan Shosted, 2010.
- Shosted, R.. 2015-2016. Indigenous languages in diaspora. Jennifer Davis (co-PI) and Ryan Shosted (co-PI). Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities Research Cluster, $2,500.
- Shosted, R.. Speech imaging research at UIUC and KTH. INSPIRE: Illinois-Sweden Program for Educational and Research Exchange. Olov Engwall (co-PI) and Ryan Shosted (co-PI), $10,000.
Talks & Presentations
- Cole, Jennifer. 2014, March-June. "Crowd-sourcing prosodic annotation: How Big (& Noisy) Data can inform the linguistic analysis of prosody in natural discourse," Cornell University, LMU Munich, Potsdam University; Linguistics Colloquia.
- Cole, Jennifer. 2014, July. "The perception of phrasal prominence in conversational speech" Poster presented with J.I. Hualde, T. Mahrt, C. Eager and S. Im at LabPhon 14, Tokyo.
- Cole, Jennifer. 2014, July. "The contribution of individual acoustic cues to the perception of focal prominence." Poster presented with T. Mahrt at Laboratory Phonology 14, Tokyo.
- Maojing Fu, Bo Zhao, Christopher Carignan, Ryan K. Shosted, Jamie L. Perry, David P. Kuehn, Zhi-Pei Liang, and Bradley P. Sutton. Feb. 19, 2014. High-resolution, full-vocal-tract dynamic speech imaging. USC Speech MRI Summit. Los Angeles, California.
- Hualde, José Ignacio. "Stress deletion and displacement in Spanish". Invited plenary talk, Linguistics Symposium on the Romance Languages University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, May 2-4, 2014.
- Nicholas, Jessica, Zsuzsanna Fagyal, Christopher Carignan, and Ryan Shosted. 2014. Intra- and inter-dialectal differences in the perception of French nasal vowels in Saguenay-Lac-Saint Jean. Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages 44. London, Ontario, Canada.
- Shosted, Ryan. Feb. 18, 2014. rtMRI and discriminant analysis of principal components: A case study from Beijing Mandarin. USC Speech MRI Summit. Los Angeles, California.
- Shosted, Ryan. Getting what you pay for: Higher dimensional analyses of rtMRI speech production data. Haskins Laboratories. New Haven, Connecticut. April 3, 2014.
- Shosted, Ryan. Retroflexion in Q’anjob’al obstruents. Workshop on Sound Systems of Mexico and Central America. New Haven, Connecticut. April 4, 2014
- Shosted, Ryan. Aug. 19, 2014. Increasing the dimensionality in articulatory phonetics (and what to do next): rtMRI of speech production data. First International DINAFON Meeting. Campinas, Brazil.
- Shosted, Ryan, Rey Castillo García, Jonathan Amith, Christian DiCanio. 2014. Nasalization and voiceless obstruents in Yoloxóchitl Mixtec: An aerodynamic analysis. Workshop on the Sound Systems of Mexico and Central America. New Haven, Connecticut.
- Shosted, Ryan, Di Wu, Marissa Goldrich. 2014. Computational modeling of tone in Iu Mien: An inductive approach for field linguists. Midwest Speech and Language Days, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois.
Awards & Honors
- Cole, Jennifer. Research Fellow, Institute for Phonetics and Speech Processing, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.
- Cole, Jennifer. 8/14 - 7/16. Maternal Speech and Children's Physiological and Behavioral Regulation. Nancy McElwain (PI), Jennifer Cole (co-PI), Daniel Berry (co-PI). National Science Foundation, IBSS. $249,744.
- Cole, Jennifer. 11/14 - 9/15. The Role of Maternal Prosody in Young Children’s Physiological and Behavioral Regulation under Low- and High-Stress Conditions. Nancy McElwain (PI), Jennifer Cole (co-PI), Daniel Berry (co-PI). UIUC, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Science, Future Interdisciplinary Research Explorations Program. $48,121 (UIUC direct costs).
- Hualde, J. I.. National Science Foundation: “Constituents and heads in prosodic perception: A comparative study”. P.I.: J. Cole, Co-PIs: J. I. Hualde, C. Smith (U. New Mexico). (2013-2016)
- Kim, Ji Young. National Science Foundation: Doctoral Dissertation Research: The perception and production of prominence in Spanish by heritage speakers and L2 learners, under the direction of J. I. Hualde, $12,785 (2014-2016).
- Shosted, R. 2014. Language processing, perception, and production. Ryan Shosted (PI). Equipment Funding Program for Linguistics Research Labs in the School of Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics. University of Illinois Office of the Provost and Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, $141,840 [includes $70,920 in matching funds from multiple units (The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; The School of Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics; Linguistics; Spanish and Portuguese; East Asian Languages and Cultures; French and Italian) and individual faculty members (Darren Tanner, Silvina Montrul, James Yoon, Ryan Shosted, and Zsuzsanna Fagyal)].
Talks & Presentations
- Cole, Jennifer. 2013, February. "Memory for Prosody," Yale University and McGill University, Linguistics Colloquia.
- Cole, Jennifer. 2013, January. "Rapid Prosody Transcription: Or how I learned to stop worrying and love variability," with Mark Hasegawa-Johnson. Workshop on Data Issues in Prosody Research, New York.
- Hualde, José Ignacio. "Phonological awareness and conventionalization in sound change". Invited talk Penn State University, Center for Language Science colloquium, April 5, 2013.
- Ning, Li-Hsin, Di Wu, Ryan Shosted, Maojing Fu, Zhi-Pei Liang, Bradley Sutton. May 2, 2013. Tongue shape of Mandarin "retroflex" consonants: Real-time Magnetic Resonance Imaging data. The Midwest Speech and Language Days, Toyota Technological Institute, Chicago.
Awards & Honors
- Cole, Jennifer. Appointed Member of the Board on Behavioral, Cognitive and Sensory Sciences, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences. 2013-2015.
- Cole, Jennifer. 8/13 - 2/15. Prosodic and gestural entrainment in conversational interaction across diverse languages (PAGE). Co-PI on international collaborative project headed by Jonathan Harrington (U Munich). Volkswagen Stiftung. $30,746 (UIUC direct costs).
- 2/13 - 7/16. Collaborative Research: Constituents and heads in prosody perception: A comparative study. Jennifer Cole (lead PI), José I. Hualde (co-PI), Caroline Smith (co-PI). National Science Foundation, BCS-1251343. $302,938.
- Gesture in accented language. Torrey Loucks (PI), Chilin Shih (co-PI), and Ryan Shosted (co-PI). University of Illinois Provost’s Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Committee, 2013-2014.
Talks & Presentations
- Cole, Jennifer. 2012, October. "Discreteness vs. gradience in prosodic form. Mini-course taught at the Brazil Prosody School" Vitoria, Brazil.
- Cole, Jennifer. 2012, October. "Prosody perception in spontaneous speech: What we can learn from annotators and imitators," Keynote lecture presented at Brazil Prosody School, Vitoria, Brazil.
- Cole, Jennifer. 2012, July. "Competing effects of prominence and vowel shift in Chicago English" Poster presented with M. Blasingame and J.I. Hualde at LabPhon 13, Stuttgart, Germany.
- Cole, Jennifer. 2012, July. "Form and function in prosodic transcription." Advancing Prosodic Transcription for Spoken Language Science and Technology, Stuttgart, Germany.
- Cole, Jennifer. 2012, May. "Abstraction and Phonetic Detail in Prosody Perception", Illinois Speech Day, Toyota Technical Institute, Chicago.
- Hualde, José Ignacio. 2012, April 23. "Lenition and morphological boundaries". Invited talk, University of Southern California.
- Hualde, José Ignacio. 2012, March 20. "Word-boundary effects in sound change". Invited talk, Experimental phonetics and sound change (with special reference to the Romance languages), U. Salamanca.
- Hualde, José Ignacio. 2012, Feb. 23. "Fonologización de alófonos en judeoespañol". Invited plenary talk, 22nd Annual Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language and Culture. Univ. of Arizona, Tucson.
- Hualde, José Ignacio. 2012, Jan 31-Feb 3. "Contacto lingüístico y fonologización de alófonos en judeoespañol". Plenary talk 41 Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística, Valencia.
- Hualde, José Ignacio. 2012, Feb. 12. "Morfological domains in sound change, with special reference to Judeo-Spanish". Invited talk, Dept. of Linguistics, University of Chicago.
- 8/12 - 1/14. Doctoral Dissertation Research: Modeling Temporal Coordination in Speech Production Using an Artificial Central Pattern Generator Neural Network. Jennifer Cole (PI), Erin Rusaw. National Science Foundation, BCS 11-55592. $5,298.
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Canada). "Learning L2 prosody: The meaning as a filter hypothesis". 2012. P.I.: L. Colantoni (U. Toronto), co-PI: M. Ortega-Llebaria (U. Pittsburgh). Collaborators: A. Johns (U. Toronto) & J.I. Hualde.
- Doctoral Dissertation Research: Oral articulation of French nasal vowels. Ryan Shosted (PI), Christopher Carignan (co-PI), and Zsuzsanna Fagyal (co-PI), National Science Foundation (1121780), 2011-2013, $12,000.
- Corpus and lexicon development: Endangered genres of discourse and domains of cultural knowledge in Tu'un isavi (Mixtec) of Yoloxochitl, Guerrero. Jonathan Amith (PI). National Science Foundation (0966462), 2010-2015, $174,895. Consultant: Ryan Shosted.