Henry and Renée Kahane Linguistics Research Room

Renee and Henry Kahane, 1979
Renée and Henry Kahane, 1979. 
Photo courtesy of Roberta Garner, used here with her permission.

“I made it a point to visit the dean every week and stress the importance of a department of linguistics on this campus. He would throw me out the door and I would come back through the window. Finally, I succeeded.” –Henry Kahane

The Kahane Research Room, located in 4100 of the Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics Building, is a small library, meeting room and study space for use by students and faculty in the Department of Linguistics. It is named after Professor Henry Kahane, who founded the Department of Linguistics, and his wife Renée. The library is home to a variety of books and journals, including dissertations by University of Illinois linguistics graduates and a number of hard-to-find working papers series and conference volumes. Readings for linguistics seminars are often placed on reserve in the Research Room.

The Research Room has a networked computer available for student use, along with a printer/scanner/copier, coffee-maker, and small refrigerator.

Linguistics faculty and graduate students may enter the Research Room at any time by sliding their I-cards through the electronic lock. New graduate students may need to contact the Linguistics Department office to be added to the list. Please note that at this time there are no open hours for the reading room.

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