SLS 2000-2003 (Volumes 30.1-33.2)

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Volume 30:1 (Spring 2000) 

Literacy and Writing Systems in Asia
(Chin W. Kim with Elmer H. Antonsen, William Bright and Braj B. Kachru) 

Preface: Braj B. Kachru vii
Foreword: Chin W. Kim ix
I. A Tribute to King Sejong 1
Chin W. Kim: The legacy of King Sejong the Great  3
Young-Key Kim-Renaud: Sejong's theory of literacy and writing  13
Florian Coulmas: The nationalization of writing   47
II. Typology of Writing Systems 61
William Bright: A matter of typology: Alphasyllabaries and abugidas   63
Peter T. Daniels: On writing syllabaries: Three episodes of transfer   73
Richard G. Salomon: Typological observations on the Indic script group and its relationship to other alphasyllabaries   87
III. Writing and Cognition 105
Chin-Chuan Cheng: Frequently-used Chinese characters and language cognition   107
Hwawei Ko & Ovid J. L. Tzeng: The role of phonological awareness in a phonetically opaque script   119
IV. Literacy and Writing Systems in South Asia 133
Peter Lowenberg: Writing and literacy in Indonesia   135
Kamal K. Sridhar & Yamuna Kachru: Literacy, minority languages, and multilingual India   149
V. Literacy and Writing Systems in the Pacific 167
Larry E. Smith & Jesse R. Long: Literacy, writing systems, and development in the Pacific   169
Stanley Yunick, Jr.: Linguistics, TESL, and language planning in Micronesia   183
VI. Writing and Minority Languages in East Asia 201
Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista: Bridging research and practice in literacy work among minority language groups in the Philippines   203
Yukio Tsuda: The maintenance of Korean language and identity in Japan   219
Zhiwei Feng & Binyong Yin: The Chinese digraphia problem in the Information Age   229
A. Abstracts
1. Wanjin Kim: A dual theory in the creation of the Korean script 237
2. Pung-Hyun Nam: The role of Chinese characters in representing Korean and in the formation of a writing system 239
3. Soo-Hee Toh: Decipherment of loan characters in Korean personal and place names 241
B. Symposia Programs
4. Urbana symposium, May 1-2, 1998 243
5. Seoul symposium, July 13-14, 1998 245

You can access the contents of this volume in PDF format here: 

Volume 30:2 (Fall 2000) 

This issue is available to order in paper format. 
Papers in General Linguistics 
(Edited by Elmer H. Antonsen) 

Al-Qinai, Jamal B. S.: Morphophonemics of loanwords in Arabic 1
Clachar, Arlene: The Acquisition of Aspect Marking in English by Native Speakers of Creole 27
Hock, Hans Henrich: Whose past is it? Linguistic pre- and early history and self-identification in modern South Asia 51
Jo, Jung-Min: Morphosyntax of a dummy verb 'ha-' in Korean 77
Kuo, Shiun-Zu, Chin-Chuan Cheng, Robert C. Bilger & Cynthia J. Johnson: Perceptual distance of initial consonants between Southern Min and Cantonese 101
Makino, Reiko: Pragmatic analysis of so-called complementizers in Japanese: koto and no 133
Mughazy, Mustafa Abd-Elghafar: Pragmatics of the evil eye in Egyptian Arabic 147
Ngom, Fallou: Sociolinguistic motivations of lexical borrowings in Senegal 159
Obeng, Samuel Gyassi: Vowel harmony and tone in Akan toponyms 173
Simo Bobda, Augustin: The uniqueness of Ghanaian English pronunciation in West Africa 185
Sukumane, Joyce B. G.: Issues in language planning and policy: The case of Namibia 199
Yambi, Josephine: Planned and spontaneous vocabulary expansion in Tanzanian Kiswahili 209
Kachru, Yamuna: Review of Gerry Knowles, Anne Wichmann, & Peter Alderson (eds). Working with Speech: Perspectives on Research into the Lancaster/IBM Spoken English Corpus, 1996, and Tony McEnery & Andrew Wilson. Corpus Linguistics, 1997 223

You can access the contents of this volume in PDF format here: 

Volume 31:1 (Spring 2001) 

This issue is available to order in paper format. 
Diaspora, Identity, and Language Communities 
(Edited by Braj B. Kachru and Cecil L. Nelson) 

Preface v
Acknowledgments vii
Part I: Culture, canon, and creativity 1
1. Cameron McCarthy: The predicament of cultures: Wilson Harris, post-colonial literature, and the curriculum in troubled times 3
2. Edwin Thumboo: 'In such beginnings are my ends'; Diaspora and literary creativity 19
3. Shirley Geok-lin Lim: Not waving, but drowning: Creativity and identity in diaspora writing 31
Part II: Contextualizing diasporas 49
4. Salikoko S. Mufwene: English in the Black diaspora: Development and identity 51
5. Enrique (Henry) T. Trueba: Language and identity among Mexicans in the United States: The secret of resiliency and successful adaptation 61
6. Aleya Rouchdy: Language contact and identity: Arabic in the American diaspora 77
7. Elabbas Benmamoun: Language identities in Morocco in a historical context 95
8. Erica McClure: Language and identity in the Assyrian diaspora 107
9. Michael Palencia-Roth: Diasporic consciousness in contemporary Colombia 121
10. Robert Baumgardner: U.S. Americans in Mexico: Constructing identities in Monterrey 137
11. Nobuko Adachi: Japanese Brazilians: The Japanese language community in Brazil 161
Part III: Constructing discourse in diaspora 179
12. Pradeep A. Dhillon: The longest way home: Language and philosophy in diaspora 181
13. Tamara M. Valentine: Reconstructing identities and gender in transplanted English discourse 193
14. Robert D. King: The paradox of creativity in the diaspora: The Yiddish language and Jewish identity 213
15. Rajeshwari V. Pandharipande: Constructing religious discourse in diaspora: American Hinduism 231
16. Marc Deneire: A quest for language: Jack Kerouac as a minor writer 253
17. Tej K. Bhatia: Media, identity, and diaspora: Indians abroad 269
Part IV: Afterword 289
18. Ladislav Zgusta: Diaspora: The past in the present 291
Notes on the contributors 299

You can access the contents of this volume in PDF format here: 

Volume 31:2 (Fall 2001) 

Papers in General Linguistics 
(Edited by Elmer H. Antonsen)

Jamal al-Qinai: Convergence and divergence in translating vs. interpreting competence   1-20
Ali Darzi: Nonfinite control in Persian   21-32
David Eddington: Spanish epenthesis: Formal and performance perspectives   33-53
Moha Ennaji: The construct state in Berber   55-72
Liwei Gao: The lexical acculturation of English in the Chinese context   73-88
Naomi Gurevich: A critique of markedness-based theories in phonology   89-114
Moses Kwadwo Kambou: Contrastive analysis in multilingual societies: A methodological issue   115-126
Rajesh Kumar: Shift from Maithili to Hindi: A sociolinguistic study   127-141
Mustafa Mughazy: Adjectival passives and thematic roles in Eyptian Arabic: A cognitive-semantic approach   143-153
Sarah J. Shin: Cross-language speech perception in adults: Discrimination of Korean voiceless stops by English speakers  155-166
Pavel Trofimovich, Wendy Baker & Molly Mack: Context- and experience based effects on the learning of vowels in a second language   167-186
Hang Zhang: An analysis of TV-advertising language across cultures   187-211
Daniel Silverman: Review of Joan Bybee: Phonology and Language Use 213-216

You can access the contents of this volume in PDF format here: 

Volume 32:1 (Spring 2002) 

This issue is available to order in paper format. 
Papers in General Linguistics 
(Edited by Peter Lasersohn)

Zsuzsanna Faygal, Noel Nguyen & Philippe Boula de Mareuil: From dilation to coarticulation: Is there vowel harmony in French? 1-21
Liwei Gao: On the nativization of English in China 23-38
Jose Ignacio Hualde, Pello Mugarza & Koldo Zuazo : The accentual system of Mallabia Basque 39-56
Yong-hun Lee: Resolution algorithms for the Korean reflexive cakicasin: A Categorial Grammar Approach 57-77
Theeraporn Ratitamkul: An alternative analysis to the temporal adverbial when-clause 79-89
Jose Ignacio Hualde: Review of R.M.W. Dixon and Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald: Word: A Cross-Linguistic Typology 91-93
Cedric Boeckx: Review of Thomas Ernst: The Syntax of Adjuncts 95-101
Jose Ignacio Hualde: Review of Robert Stockwell and Donka Minkova: English Words: History and Structure 103-105

You can access the contents of this volume in PDF format here: 

Volume 32:2 (Fall 2002) 

This issue is available to order in paper format. 
Papers in General Linguistics 
(Edited by Peter Lasersohn)

Timothy L. Face & Scott M. Alvord: Descriptive adequacy vs. psychological reality: The case of two restrictions on Spanish stress placement 1-16
Jose Ignacio Hualde & Itziar Aramaio: Accentual variation and convergence in northeastern Bizkaian Basque 17-38
Aimee Johansen: Kiswahili naming of days of the week in a wider context of day name borrowings 39-42
Regina Morin: English/Spanish language contact on the internet: Linguistic borrowing of many stripes 43-62
Keun Young Shin: Two types of negation not and scope ambiguities 63-72
Asha Tickoo: On information packaging and hearer engagement in Kashmiri narrative 73-90
Peter Lasersohn: Review of Jeffrey C. King: Complex Demonstratives: A Quantificational Account 91-93
James H. Yang: Review of Saran Kaur Gill: English Language Challenges for Malaysia: International Communication 91-93

You can access the contents of this volume in PDF format here: 

Volume 33:1/2 (Spring/Fall 2003) 

This issue is available to order in paper format. 
Papers in General Linguistics 
(Edited by Peter Lasersohn)

Jamal al-Qinai: Manipulation and censorship in translated texts 1-30
Kenichi Namai: Syntax of questions 31-72
Jie Zhang: Contour tone distribution is not an artifact of tonal melody mapping 73-132
Robert J. Baumgardner: Review of Viv Edwards: Multilingualism in the English-speaking World 133-135

You can access the contents of this volume in PDF format here: