Studies in the Linguistics Sciences


Welcome to Studies in the Linguistic Sciences: Illinois Working Papers!

Studies in the Linguistic Sciences: Illinois Working Papers (SLS) is the online, open-access working papers of the Linguistics Department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. We began publication in print form in 1971 and have since grown into an ongoing, online working papers journal. If you will give a talk or poster at ILLS, please consider turning your presentation into a publication in Studies in the Linguistic Sciences! SLS is glad to be the continuing publication outlet for the proceedings of this dynamic student-run conference at Illinois.


Submitting to Studies in the Linguistic Sciences

Studies in the Linguistic Sciences welcomes all works related to language and linguistics going on in the greater UIUC community!

We invite submissions from UIUC students and faculty for articles or book reviews for the upcoming volume.

Our format affords free and permanent online access to your work and the ability to include electronic content in any format as an appendix to your article. Please consult the stylesheet and example document before submitting.

All volumes of SLS are now available in our archives for free in PDF format.